Personal Accident Insurance - India International Insurance, Singapore

Travel insurance, also known as travellers insurance is the best way to protect your financial loss from the unexpected. Traveling is an exciting experience, and anything can happen while you are away from home. Moreover, certain countries will require that you have proof of sufficient travel insurance as a condition of entry or of granting a visa.

Specific coverage and benefits differ but most comprehensive travel insurance policy usually offers benefits including trip cancellation, flight cancellation, baggage delay, loss of baggage , trip interruption, travel accident, medical benefits and emergency medical evacuation, loss of passport and travel documents, kidnap/ransom requests and many other travel-related events and expenses.

A leisure or a business trip, wherever your travels take you we offer coverage to protect your international trips with our globally accepted and affordable travel insurance policies.

Our easy travel insurance provide you with wide options of coverage to cover you adequately. These affordable travel insurance plans were designed to protect you from financial losses should something bad happen before or during your trip, thus making us your most preferred travel insurance partner. Covers Executive Classic
1 Accidental Death and Permanent Disablement (Adults Below 70 years)
2 Double Indemnity in Public Transport (Adults Below 70 years)
3 Medical Expenses (Overseas) (Adults Below 70 years)
4 Medical Expenses (follow-up treatment in Singapore) (Adults Below 70 years)
5 Traditional Chinese Medical Expenses
6 Overseas Hospital Confinement Benefit
7 Alternative Employee's Expenses (Business Trip Only)
8 Emergency Medical Evacuation
9 Repatriation to Singapore
10 Repatriation of Mortal Remains
11 Compassionate Visit
12 Child Protection
13 Baggage & Personal Effects (Limit 500 per article, paid or set and 1,000 for one unit laptop)
14 Loss of Travel Document and Passport
15 Baggage Delay (Every 6 hours delay)
16 Travel Delay (Every 6 hours delay)
17 Missed Connection/Overbooked Flight (Every 6 hours)
18 Closure of Transportation Terminal (Every 6 hours)
19 Personal Money
20 Loss of Deposits/Cancellation Charges/Trip Curtailment
21 Hijack of Public Conveyance (Exceeding 12 consecutive hours)
22 Kidnap and/or Hostage Benefit (Every 6 hours)
23 Rental Vehicle Excess
24 Personal Liability
25 Legal Expenses for Wrongful Arrest/Detention
26 Home Contents
27 Terrorism (Excluding biological, chemical and nuclear means)
Applicable to item 1 to 7.


Insured Persons must be ordinary residing in Singapore who are Singaporeans, Permanent Residents or Foreigners with valid Employment Pass, Work Permit, Dependent Pass, Student Pass or Long Term Social Visit Pass. Application for Child below the age of 16 to be covered under an individual plan must be made in the name of the parent or guardian.

We have different cheap and affordable plans for Adult, Child or Senior travelers

A. Single Trip Or Annual Coverage

B. Individual plan Or Family plan

Single Trip

A short term policy covering a specific trip, usually commencing from and returning to Singapore.

Annual Cover

A policy issued for a one-year period covering trips commencing from and returning to Singapore, undertaken by the insured person(s) during the policy year, subject to its terms and conditions.

Individual Plan

A policy covering the policyholder or any other individual person.

Family Plan

A policy covering the policyholder and his immediate family. A cap may be imposed on the number of insured persons under a Family Plan policy.

Who can be covered under a Family Plan?

Single Trip Plan - Any 1 or 2 adults travelling with any number of children can apply. The 2 adults need not be related but the children must be the legal child or ward (in the case of a guardian), grandchild, brother, sister, nephew, niece or cousin of either of the adults.

Annual Multi-Trip Plan - For insured, spouse and their dependent children. Trip undertaken by the insured child must be made together with at least 1 insured adult under this plan.

Child - Child insured under a family plan refers to dependent children below the age of 21 years old who are not married nor in employment throughout the policy period. For those in full-time tertiary institutions, the age limit will be extended to their 25th birthday. Age refers to age next birthday.

We have the following options for you to choose from:

Individual Sum Insured
Classic S$ 100,000
Executive S$ 200,000
Family Sum Insured
Classic S$ 250,000
Executive S$ 500,000

Any consequence of declared or undeclared war or any act thereof, invasion or civil war.

Intentional self-inflicted injury or suicide (whether felonious or not) or any attempt thereat, whether sane or insane.

Childbirth, pregnancy, miscarriage, abortion and all complications in connection therewith notwithstanding that such event may have been accelerated or induced by an accident.

Intoxication by alcohol, narcotics or drugs and treatment in connection with addiction to drugs or alcohol.

Claims in respect of any property more specifically insured or any claim which but for the existence of this Policy would be recoverable under any other private or Government insurance policy, fund or scheme.

Claims directly or indirectly occasioned by, happening through or in consequence of nuclear fission, nuclear fusion or radioactive contamination.

The Insured person taking part in racing, motor sports, mountaineering, ice-hockey and such other winter sports, under water activities, activities involving the Insured person being an air-borne (whether suspended or not) other than as a passenger in a duly licensed aircraft.

Travel on unscheduled flights.

Price varies based on how much coverage you’re looking for, and the reasons you’d like to insure your trip. We charge a reasonable premium, depending on the selection of plan as mentioned above. It will take only 30 seconds for you to calculate your own premium, please click below we are almost there

Please do not worry, follow these simple steps:

Download the claim form from the next tab

Kindly duly fill it and mail it to ID: along with scan of the original documents mentioned in the claim form.

We are happy to resolve your queries. Kindly write to us, OR

Click below to submit your query

Disclaimer: For detailed information, please refer to our policy wordings